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Don’t Fight Anyone

Then Ahab brought it into the open: will you join me in attacking Ramoth Gilead? Jehoshaphat said, you bet. I’m with you all the way; you can count on me and my troops. Then Jehoshaphat said, But before you do anything, ask GOD for guidance
(2 Chronicles 18:3-4).
The fight of faith is the only legitimate fight for the believer; and it’s not a fight with people. So, never fight or get into strife with anyone over anything. Fighting with people is a wrong fight. Sometimes, it might seem just to “fight” for something or a cause, but seek the Lord’s guidance.
For example, King Ahab was ready to fight hard to reclaim a land he believed rightfully belong to him, and requested Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, to go with him to the battle. However, Jehoshaphat responded to him wisely and said, “…before you do anything, ask GOD for guidance.”

     If you think you’ve been defrauded or cheated by fellow brother or sister, as you resolve to take up the matter, remember the scriptures. 1 Corinthians 6:7 says, “Now therefore there is utterly a fault among you, because ye go to law one with another. Why do you not rather take wrong? Why do you not rather suffer yourself to be defrauded?” Live the higher life; don’t strive with people. Like Ahab, many people fight for different “Ramothgileads” today, without listening to the Lord. Don’t function that way.
     The Lord has already established you on the Rock, Christ Jesus, and no weapon fashioned against you can prosper. It doesn’t matter who’s against you; they can’t take away from you that which God has given you. You’re not like everybody else. You’re different, and can never be disadvantaged.

Consider Abraham: when he had what could have been a land dispute with his nephew, Lot, he resolved it without any altercation. Abraham, with a heavenly consciousness, said to his nephew, “…let there be no strife, I pray thee, between me and thee, and between my headmen and thy headmen; for we be brethren” (Genesis 13:8). That’s the way heavenly men talk. They don’t think they might have a disadvantage. That’s the way you should think they might have a disadvantage. That’s the way you should think, and when you do you wouldn’t need to fight anyone for anything.

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